Effective date: 2021-04-01
1. Introduction
Welcome to Go Shopping!.
“Go Shopping” is a service by GIG Innovations Ltd. (“us”, “we”, or “our”) operates https://www.goshopping.lokogma.com (hereinafter referred to as “Service”).
Our Terms & Conditions govern your visit to https://www.goshopping.lokogma.com/, and provides working regulations for seling on goshopping.lokogma.com. We have present a number of guidelines to help regulate the processes for marketing and selling on our website and to protect our organisation, the customers / buyers, as well as the vendors during any business transaction.
2. Definitions
SERVICE means the https://www.goshopping.lokogma.com website operated by Go Shopping.
VENDORS means sellers, marketers, businesses, organisations wishing to sell product(s) or service(s) on https://www.goshopping.lokogma.com
Below are a list of extended policies covered
3. Extended POLICIES
- Prohibited and restricted items Policy:
For this reason, and to comply with local legal restrictions, some categories of products are prohibited, or completely not allowed from being listed. Go Shopping. has the right to approve or disapprove the listing or upload of product(s) / service(s) unto the website.
If you’re not sure of the item that is not allowed to be sold in offernmart.com, kindly check the list below.
Prohibited items on goshopping.lokogma.com:
- Adult items
- Animals and wildlife products
- Autographed items
- Credit and debit cards
- Drugs and drug paraphernalia
- Encouraging illegal activity
- Firearms and weapons
- Government, transit, and shipping-related items
- Government documents, IDs and licenses
- Hazardous, restricted, or regulated materials
- Human remains and body parts
- Personal relationships and services
- Police-related items
- Stolen property
This list would be updated where necessary in line local and international laws governing the purchase and sales of prohibited items. In this event, any Vendor who markets or sells any prohibited item on the website would be contacted via the proper channels available. The item(s) would be delisted from the website. The vendor would be given the opportunity to upload other items.
Go Shopping. has the right to DELIST a vendor who contravenes the rule after several attempts to caution such vendor.
- Listing policies:
To guarantee Buyers satisfaction, we have listed down the following policies.
Below are some detailed guideline that allows you as a Vendor to know what is allowed in our listing policy and how best you can have an easier and excellent selling experience.
- How do I know if the goods I’m about to sell in goshopping.lokogma.com is allowed?
Kindly take a look at our Prohibited and restricted items list.
- Why was my listed Product in goshopping.lokogma.com removed?
Your listing may have been removed if it violates offernmart.com policies.
- I can’t find my listing on goshopping.lokogma.com site, what’s going on?
It`s either your listing does not meet up with our polices or they are simply not ranking high on our search engine. For a better result, kindly give a clearer description of the product you intend to post on offernmart.com.
- Images and text policies
What action should I take if another goshopping.lokogma.com member copies the image of my listing?
You may contact the member and ask them to take down the Image
You can also contact offernmart.com and report the issue. If you sign our user agreement, you automatically give offernmart.com and its members the right to use your image in our Catalogue.
- Can I use pictures and texts from other site to represent my listing?
We allow you to use the image of the actual product you are listing. This to enable us have a clear image and a true representation of the goods you are about to sell in offernmart.com.
- Blank Item listing Policy
Every goods or services listed on offernmart.com page must be visible and deliverable.
Failure to adhere to the blank listing policy will result in blank listed items being taken down.
- Product manipulation policies
You are not allowed to manipulate the item you are listing. Manipulation in the sense of presenting the products in a way that they are not. For example, presenting used product as new product. Items should be described using keywords that match them. Subsequently, no comparism of any sort with other products or promotion of other products is allowed in offernmart.com.
Products listed on the offernmart.com page must be authentic and must come from the countries goshopping.lokogma.com is representing. This is to ensure pure quality.
Any listing that does not comply with these policies will be taken down.
- Why this Policy?
This is to ensure that buyers get the satisfaction they desire from goshopping.lokogma.com.
- Location of Item
Vendors should clearly state the location of item, (this information needed by Go Shopping.) the possible departure and delivery date of their good to buyer. Item location must to constant; the goods to Vendor must be readily available before being listed on offernmart.com. This is to ensure that goods are delivered on time. The item to be sold has to accurately describe.
- Guaranty policy
If you are offering items that have guarantee, kindly indicate the guarantee clearly. Also provide a room for the buyer to get reach of the Guarantee.
- Advance sale or Advance Order
If you as a Vendor you have specific products that are only available on request or are sold in advance before they arrive into the country, Kindly indicate such in your product information (it must be clearly stated “Advance Sale” in the Title and description). So that customers/buyers agree to the delivery timeline before making payments. Timeline for delivery should be within 30 days of advance sale.
- Link policy
Under this policy, listing should not contain clickable or non-clickables linked that redirect members to other website except for that of offernmart.com, this include other store names and other webpages with for instance, .com, .org, .ng and others in this category. Of course, some links such as link relating to offernmart.com messages, other offernmart.com items and store pages, videos from the listing item and informations that are legally required.
- Third- Person endorsement
Vendors are not to use endorsement statements from third person while listing their item, for instance as a Vendor you`re not to use your endorsement statement or logos from any third party that praises your competence or reliability while listing your item, but you can use your previous positive feedbacks to relay your competency.
- Selling Policy:
Our selling policy is there for you as a Vendor kindly endeavor to regularly reviewing and adhering to the offernmart.com policies.
- Selling practices
It is our policy to indicate the location a good is coming from for transparent purpose; it is wise that the buyer know where the product is coming from. In this regards, we mean where the product was manufactured.
- Policy on Commissions
Go Shopping. provides a paid services for Vendors to sell products on goshopping.lokogoma.com. However, Go Shopping may allow for free Vendor registration without prior notice to the public.
Both Free and Paid vendor Registration attract a commission on the sales of product. The commission is 10% of the sales and would be deducted before the money is transferred to the vendor.
- Payment Policy:
We have a straight forward policy on payment of products by the customers and payment of money earned by Vendors.
A. Customers pay into the account of Go Shopping.
B. Go Shopping holds the money paid by customers for a period of 7 – 14 days to confirm the following:
1. The products have been received by the customer.
2. The customer is satisfied with the product and has not requested for a refund or has not rejected the product.
3. To solve any vendor – customer dispute within the period in wait.
4. That once items 1 – 3 above have been cleared, Go Shopping. deducts its agreed commission. However, if there is a need for refund, Go Shopping. refunds the cash back to the customer once the items has been received by the Vendor and there is no further dispute.
5. Vendors are expect to send a withdrawal request from their Vendor platform. This enables programmed monitoring of what is earned, commissioned and received.
- Policy on Disputes
Go Shopping is geared towards conducting a very transparent, responsible and responsive business services for both its customer and vendors; it would apply the necessary rules presented in the terms and conditions and other policies presented on the website to manage the business processes of the online market place. The policies have been drafted to avoid or mitigate any dispute with any of the parties. However, should there be a dispute, CHESE & CO Ltd. would also settle all disputes amicable without fear or favour in line with the guideline already itemized on its policies.
7. Extended Policy
Our extended policies (also tagged as Terms and Conditions) are been drafted for use and as it pertains to our Vendors & Merchants as a policy guide to what is obtainable and acceptable as practice to be partners of Go Shopping.. and in this regards, specifically, goshopping.lokogoma.com
8. Contact Us
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us by email: john.support@lokogoma.com.